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About The Platform

The Platform is a pop-up shop like no other. Developed and staffed by individuals with learning disabilities and enduring mental ill health, The Platform provides education, volunteer placements and training to all looking for a new challenge. Four years ago, The Platform volunteers began transforming a former sandwich shop into an education and volunteering centre for all. Since then, The Platform has gone from strength to strength, gathering more volunteers, not only from Quarryfields, but also other companies such as Exemplar, Mencap and The Hesley Group. The Platform has even written its own volunteer skills course which the volunteers complete during their shifts and can take this with them when they are ready to move onto a new placement! This will soon become accredited- which means we can offer the course to everyone. The Platform welcomes more volunteers- so get in touch if it is something you would like to join in with! 

Current Volunteers


I'm Cassandra, I have worked in the cafe since it opened and I love to cook and bake. I make the shortbread for the biscuit jar. I have done lots of different things whilst volunteering, but I really enjoyed working with Sheffield Hallam University and Sport England on a project in the community.


I'm Rebecca, I have also worked in the cafe since it opened. I like to write the shopping lists and take notes in meetings. I also clean the tables and the place mats. I have done lots of fun things whilst volunteering, but I love dressing up as an elf at Christmas and helping santa hand out presents.


I'm Michael, I started work in The Platform when it first opened. I like to get involved with everything at The Platform. I like to make flapjack in the cafe and I like to get my hands dirty in the garden, growing fruit and vegetables in The Platform garden. We use this produce in the cafe when cooking and we sell it too.

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I'm Colin, I started coming to The Platform as a customer and then asked to become a volunteer. I like to do the finance side of things at the cafe, helping to count the money to work out the weeks takings. I also like to work outside, sweeping the path near The Platform and litter picking the street to make the place look tidier and cleaner.

© 2018 by The Platform 

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