The Platform held a 'Clean Your Street' event on Wednesday which was a huge success! The team of volunteers and staff from Quarryfields had been preparing for the event, making crafts and cakes to sell throughout the day.
Doncaster council offered their help, sending over members of their regeneration team to clear Woodfield road of the litter. Doncaster council provided black rubbish bags, litter grabbers and Hi-Vis jackets for The Platforms volunteers and many supporters.
The Platform volunteers were accompanied by Exemplar's, Euan Craig, Chief Executive Officer, Jane Mudd, Personal assistant to the Chief Executive Officer and her husband, Helen Baxendale, Clinical Director and Deanna Coult, Marketing assistant.
The event was superb, the volunteers and staff from Exemplar took to the street and picked all the litter and swept the pavements. A staff member from Quarryfields, Kerry Flemming, did a fantastic job of face painting all those that attended the day. The Platform was opened to serve refreshment and to sell the crafts the volunteers had been busy making. After, the volunteers took the wheelie bins to be emptied and washed, before painting a design on them.
The Platform is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30am - 15:30pm.