Doncaster’s Paralympic medal-winner turned actor Kevin Davies visited The Platform this week, ahead of the official launch on April 25.
"I think the project at The Platform is a great idea; I hope the community around here gives it all the support it needs to take off.
"I will be providing support to The Platform as well; calling in every now and then for a coffee. I haven't heard of anything like this before and that is why I am so interested.
"For me its a first and I think its a fantastic idea. I think its a great way of giving the service users a sense of achievement; they can now provide a service to their local community and be able to say 'We are here come and see what we can do'."
Service users have been perfecting their baking and coffee making skills ahead of the launch; this week Mark has made a peanut butter cake, and Cassandra received her Certificate in Infection Control.
With just 13 days to go, the team at The Platform are busy preparing and perfecting their service.